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    Free Way 結果共6筆

  • U.S. approves $300M arms sale to Taiwan

    Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) has received formal notification from the U.S. government about the sale of tactical information systems worth approximately US$300 million. This arms deal, the twelfth from the Biden administration to Taiwan since 2021, demonstrates the U.S.’s commitment to Taiwan’s defense needs. MOFA expressed gratitude for the U.S.’s continued fulfillment of its security commitments in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances. The sale includes equipment, training, and technical support, which will enhance Taiwan’s national defense and deterrence capabilities. MOFA reiterated Taiwan’s determination to strengthen its self-defense capabilities, safeguard its territory, and preserve its democratic and free way of life in the face of China’s military expansion and provocation. The foreign ministry also emphasized the deepening security partnerships with the U.S. to uphold a rules-based international order and ensure peace, stability, and prosperity in the Taiwan Strait and the broader Indo-Pacific region.
    2023/12/16 15:48
  • Taiwan’s domestic flight prices rise amid oil price surge

    Taiwan faces a 4.5% increase in domestic flight ticket prices due to a surge in global oil prices, resulting in an average additional cost of NT$95 per ticket. Kinmen residents, who frequently travel to and from Taiwan, are particularly affected, with Mandarin Airlines’ Taipei to Kinmen route experiencing a one-way fare increase of 7.4%, equivalent to NT$182. This price rise will also impact tourists planning to fly domestically during the New Year’s holiday, making air travel more expensive. As a result, authorities expect a significant increase in road traffic during the New Year’s Eve celebrations. To alleviate transportation challenges during the festive season, Taiwan will implement toll-free periods on freeways from midnight to 5 a.m. The Taiwan Railways Administration and Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) will also increase service frequencies to accommodate the expected passenger volume. THSR has added 105 services and will continue to offer discounts for college students and early bird promotions. Taiwan Railways has scheduled 116 extra trains, anticipating a potential peak of over 800,000 passengers in a single day. However, ticket sales for child-friendly carriages have been temporarily suspended. Additional train services during the New Year transportation period will be available for purchase starting from midnight on December 1, aiming to alleviate travel congestion during the holidays.
    2023/11/30 22:41
  • 超正女團全哭了!她媽媽生重病無法陪伴 竟想退演藝圈

    由利善榛、裴頡、C.Holly、連穎、巴倫⽉、席⼦淇組成的新世代唱跳女團「HUR」逢出道滿三年前夕於台北三創舉辦首場演唱會 「ON MY WAY」,除了特別首唱兩首新歌〈TAKE OFF〉跟〈FREE〉外,其中自認不擅長性感舞蹈的團員席子淇難得挑戰穿高跟鞋SOLO火辣舞蹈,自嘲「沒女性性感魅力」的她在排練過程中甚至被老師評「根本是男生」,這次克服心魔完美演出贏得粉絲尖叫猛喊「好辣」,讓她笑說:「穿高跟鞋練舞磨破皮都值得了。」
    2023/03/01 19:11
  • 西班牙傳奇女主廚 陪兒子料理人生酸甜苦辣

    西班牙女主廚卡梅爾·魯絲卡莉達(Carme Ruscalleda),是世界上獲得米其林三星的七位女性之一,手上的餐廳涵蓋西班牙與日本,全盛時期,更先後摘下七顆米其林星星;但其實她的摘星歷程,不如我們看到的順遂。卡梅爾的兒子勞爾曾經染上毒癮,因此罹患生理和心理疾病,當時已經小有名氣的卡梅爾深受打擊,花了五年的時間才終於釋懷,在「名廚」和「母親」的角色間取得平衡。勞爾如今追隨母親腳步,也成為摘星主廚,這對米其林母子檔的故事被搬上大銀幕,一起來看他們如何料理人生的酸甜苦辣。
    2022/08/19 19:52
  • RAIN「MOVE ON」 唱進櫻花妹的心

    韓國小天王RAIN,2005年正式在日本出道,以他拿手的快歌「SAD TANGO」、「FREE WAY」攻佔日本樂壇;9月RAIN在日本發行,第三張日文單曲「MOVE ON」,有別於前2張單曲,這次改走抒情曲風;而為了展現演技,RAIN還要求導演以一鏡到底的方式拍攝MV。
    2006/09/07 20:00
  • RAIN日文新碟「FREE WAY」 挑戰J-POP

    韓國小天王RAIN魅力席捲全亞洲,日前不但為手機廣告演唱國語歌曲,RAIN也即將於6月7日發行第二張全新日文大碟「FREE WAY」,與之前推出的單曲「SAD TANGO」有所不同,這次的新專輯改走J-POP輕快曲風,讓首次嘗試的RAIN備感挑戰。
    2006/06/05 20:06
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